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Free Online Signature Maker

Draw signature online and add it to PDF and Word


Will Digital Signatures Work for You?

How to Use Online Signature Maker

Upload file

1. Upload file

To make a signature and add it to your file, drag & drop your file into the blue box above or use the link to choose it on your computer.

Make signature

2. Make signature

To make a signature, click on the document, select a signature type, type, or draw your signature and add it to your file.

Download signed document

3. Download file

Select "DONE" to permanently apply your signature, then use "DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT" to download your file via a secure connection.

Watch How to Use Online Signature Maker

Private and Secure

Private and Secure

Private & Secure

We care about your privacy. Your files are uploaded via a secure connection and your data are kept private on our servers. After session expiration, all your signatures and files are automatically deleted. We don't store them longer as required.

Fill out your forms

Make signatures and fill out forms

With our online signature maker, you can also fill out your forms by adding text, dates, checkmarks, and initials. Thus, DigiSigner allows you to fill out any form of your choice and seal it by adding your signature. Additionally, the completed document is protected from any unauthorized modifications.

Make signature in PDF, Word, IMG, TXT, XLS

Make signature in PDF, Word, IMG, TXT, XLS

Our free signature maker offers support for different document formats. Make your signature in PDF and Word files. Additionally, you can create signatures in Excel files, scanned documents, TXT, and RTF documents.

Signature maker options

Signature maker options

We offer multiple ways to make a signature. Type your name, draw your signature using a mouse or a finger, or upload a scanned image of your signature to DigiSigner.

Signature maker step-by-step instructions

Our free signature maker is available online. There is no need to install anything on your computer to make signatures in your documents. With DigiSigner, your files can be signed online in your browser. The following instructions will guide you through the process of making your signature and adding it to your PDF, Word, Excel, or TXT files. DigiSigner is completely free!

1. Upload your document

To make a signature you first need to upload your document to DigiSigner. Drag and drop it into the blue box or use the "choose file" link to select a file on your computer. Your files are uploaded via a secure connection and kept absolutely private on our servers. We automatically deleted all your data once your session expires.

Upload document to DigiSigner

Once your file is uploaded, it is immediately displayed in your browser.

Document is displayed in browser

2. Make signature

Find a place where you want to add a signature. Click with a mouse where you want to position it. On mobile devices tap with a finger on your document. The signature can be always repositioned later.

Find a place to make a signature

There are three ways to make a signature:

A) Draw a signature using a mouse or finger.

Draw your signature

B) Use the keyboard to type your name. Your name will appear in six variants. You can choose the one you like most.

Enter your name

C) Upload the scanned image of your handwritten signature. This way you can achieve the best results.

Upload your signature

3. Add more content if required

Besides creating a signature, our online signature maker offers options for adding initials, text, current date, and checkmarks. With DigiSigner you can fill out any form of your choice.

Fill out your form

4. Download your document

When you are done, select DONE to apply your changes to the document. After that, click on DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT to download the signed file onto your computer.

Signature Maker FAQ

Is your online signature maker free?

Yes, DigiSigner is 100% free. There are no limits on the number of documents you can sign with our service. We also don't require any registration.

How can I create my signature?

Our free signature maker allows you to create a signature in different ways. You can draw it using a mouse or your finger, you can type your name, or you can upload a scanned image of your handwritten signature.

How do I create my handwritten signature?

On a desktop, you can use your mouse to create a handwritten signature. On a mobile device, use your finger to draw your perfect signature. You can make as many attempts as you need.

How can I do a free signature?

All the signatures you do with our online signature maker are free. DigiSigner is a free service that doesn't require any registration.

Can your signature maker create a signature online?

Yes, our free signature maker is available online. Your data is absolutely secure with us. Your files are uploaded via an encrypted connection. We remove all your information once your session expires.

How do I create a signature in Word?

DigiSigner allows you to upload Word files to create signatures in them. Drag and drop your Word file into the blue box above and create a signature in your document.

How can I make my handwritten signature online?

Upload your document, find a place to add your handwritten signature, click on your document, draw your signature using a mouse or your finger and add it to your file.

How do I create a signature for PDF?

Yes, this is possible with our online signature maker. Drag and drop your PDF file in the blue box above, and use one of the several options we provide to add a signature to your PDF file.

How do I create a digital signature in PDF for free?

DigiSigner is a perfect solution for creating digital signatures in your documents. Please follow the instructions above to digitally sign your PDF document for free.

Where do I get an electronic signature?

This is very easy to create an electronic signature with our online signature maker. Upload your file to DigiSigner, select one of the signature options we provide, save your changes and download your completed document with your electronic signature.

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