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Free Online Signature

Create an online signature and eSign your documents


Will Digital Signatures Work for You?

How to Create Online Signature

Upload document to DigiSigner

1. Upload document

To create online signature and add it to your document, drag & drop your file into the blue area or select it by clicking on the link.

eSign document using online signature

2. eSign document

To eSign your document, click on it, select your preferred online signature type, create eSignature and add it to your document.

Download signed document

3. Download document

Select "DONE" to save your changes. After the document has been saved, download the signed copy via an encrypted connection.

Watch How to Use Online Signature

Secure Online Signature

Secure eSignatures

Secure eSignatures

We care about the privacy and security of your documents. Our service for creating online signatures is safe and reliable. The communication with our servers is 100% encrypted. We automatically remove your records from our system as soon as your session expires.

Fill your forms

Fill out your forms

You can use our online signature service to fill out your forms before signing them. Our tool allows you to add text, initials, checkmarks, or the current date to your document.

Multiple file formats

Multiple file formats

You can create online signatures in different types of documents. We support PDF, Word, TXT, RTF, and Excel files. You can also scan your documents and upload images to our online service.

Different signature styles

Draw, sign or upload your signature image

There are three ways to create signature online. You can draw your signature with a mouse, type it or upload your signature image. All online signatures are equally secure and legally binding.

Online signature step-by-step instructions

With our service, you can create online signature directly in your browser. Please review the instructions below to learn how to sign your documents online.

1. Upload your file

The first step is to upload the file you need to sign. You can drag and drop it in the blue box above or click the "choose file" link to select a file on your computer.

Upload your document

We will immediately show your document in the browser.

Document displayed

2. Add content to your document

This is an optional step. You only need it if you want to add content to your document like text, checkmarks, or e.g., current date. To do this, use the options on the left side and drag and drop them onto your document.

Add content to your document

3. Sign your document

Now you can add an online signature to your document. Click on it, and select a signature style you want to use.

Select signature style

Our online signature service offers three different signature styles:

A) Draw your signature using your mouse or your finger. This option works best on touch devices, e.g., on mobile phones.

Draw your signature

B) Type your name and select one of six available fonts.

Type your name

C) Scan your signature and upload the image.

Scan your signature

4. Download your completed document

Save your changes by selecting "DONE." Then click on "DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT" to download your signed copy.

You may consider creating an account with our service. This would allow you to keep all your signed documents in one place. We will also keep your online signatures so that you won't have to create them each time from scratch. We also have a paid plan that allows you to use professional features like templates, signing links, branding, teams, etc.

Online Signature FAQ

Is this required to download your software to create signatures?

No, our online signature service is only available online. You don't need to download or install anything to use it. It works directly in your browser.

How many documents can I sign?

As many as your need, our online signature service doesn't have any limits.

Are my documents protected on your website?

Yes, we take your privacy very seriously. Your documents are protected on our servers. We automatically delete them when your session expires.

Can a signed document be manipulated?

No, this is impossible because our service automatically protects your documents from any malicious changes by adding a digital signature to them. The digital signature gets broken if somebody decides to alter your signed copy. You can easily verify it by opening your document in Adobe Reader.

Can I sign DOC/DOCX documents?

Yes, you can sign them with our service. Please note that the output document will be in PDF format.

Do I need a digital certificate to use your online signature service?

No, a digital certificate is not required. Just upload your document, sign it directly in the browser and download the signed copy.

Can I send a document for signing to somebody else?

Yes, you can do this with our online service. The recipient doesn't need to have an account with us. They receive a link to the document that can be opened directly from their inbox. After they sign, you will receive the signed copy sent to your email address.

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