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Electronic Signature in Word

How to sign a word document


Will Digital Signatures Work for You?

How to Sign a Word Document

Drag and drop Word file

1. Drag & drop Word file

Drag and drop your Word document into the area above or click on the link to choose your file. The document will be displayed in our preview tool.

Sign Word document

2. Sign Word document

To sign the Word document, click on it, select a signature type, create your electronic signature, and add it to the document.

Download Word file

3. Download file

Click DONE to save your changes. Then click on DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT to securely download your signed document via protected SSL connection.

Watch How to Sign a Word Document

Secure and legally binding

Secure and reliable

Secure & Reliable

All data exchange with our servers is fully safe as it is protected using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. The privacy of your data and electronic signatures is guaranteed. All of your files will be automatically deleted from our servers once your session will be closed.

Sign and fill Word online

Sign and fill Word files online

With our free online signature service you can not only sign Word files; you can also fill out your documents by adding text, selecting checkboxes, inserting the current date, initialing where necessary etc.

Different document types

Sign Word, PDF, IMG, TXT, XLS

In addition to signing Word with our electronic signature service, you can also add e-signatures in your PDF documents, Excel files, and scanned documents in PNG and JPEG format, as well as TXT and RTF files.

Different signature types

Sign the way you like

With our free online signature software, you can insert electronic signatures in Word documents the way you like. We offer three different options to create an electronic signature: draw an e-signature using a mouse or touchpad, type your name, or scan an image of your signature and upload it to the document.

Instructions on how to create electronic signature in Word

These detailed instructions demonstrate how to sign a Word document online. Our free version of DigiSigner online signature software allows you to sign Word documents online (plus PDF, IMG, TXT, XLS) with ease and, even better, it's 100% free with no registration required!

1. Upload a file

Start off by simply clicking the "choose file" link to upload a Word, PDF, TXT, IMG, TXT or XLS document that you want to sign off or just drop your file into the blue box, as shown in the image below:

Drag and drop Word file

In just a few seconds your Word document will be fully available once the upload is completed.

Upload Word document

2. Apply your edits

Once you're in, you can select the type of edits you want to apply to your document. This tool is fully equipped with everything you need, not only to create an electronic signature but also to fill out your forms online by adding text, selecting checkboxes, inserting the current date, or even initialing where necessary.

Options to edit Word document

3. Create a free electronic signature

Hover the mouse over the areas where you want to apply your signature and click on the document.

Hover mouse where you want to sign

Feel free to sign Word document in whatever way you like. This signature maker tool offers three different options to create electronic signatures:

A) Draw an e-signature using a mouse or touchpad.

Draw e-signature

B) Type your name.

Type your name

C) Scan an image of your signature and upload it to the document.

Upload electronic signature

4. Fill out Word document

As we mentioned earlier, you can also add check marks, dates, text, or initials to any page of your document. Simply select the type of function you want to use, select the area, and type in the information.

Fill in document

5. Download your document for free!

When ready, click DONE to proceed. Our free tool will create a file that can be downloaded completely for free without any registration! Simply click DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT and save the file on your computer.

The Usage of Electronic Signature in Word

The ability to leave your signature in electronic format in Word documents opens up great opportunities for state institutions and for private enterprises and companies. Electronic signature technologies of documents allow:

close deals and contracts remotely, without a personal meeting
store documents in electronic form
work with any devices, even while on the road
to certify and establish requisites without the organization of business meetings

Now you don’t even need to be in the office to be able to verify the document. Considering that representatives of many professions increasingly prefer working remotely, and entrepreneurs cannot always be at the office, this is a convenient option with full legal force.

You only need a device - a laptop, tablet or smartphone, as well as access to the Internet. For work, the software is needed to be connected to the encrypted information with the document you are working on. Comparison of this information allows the partner to make sure that it was you who signed it. All these processes are performed automatically according to modern encryption standards.

How to Create Electronic Signature in Word on Windows

You can use the standard features of Microsoft Office Word to digitally sign a document. There are several options:

create and insert handwritten signature in scan form
create a template with text preparation
Insert a signature line and fill it right in the document

To implement each of the ways to install a digital signature in Word, you need to do a few steps.

Handwritten signature

Sign on a blank sheet of paper. Scan it and save the image in JPG or PNG format. In the standard image viewer, open the scanned signature and cut to remove the entire blank area of ​​the sheet. Save the changes. In the Word document, click "Insert" - "Picture" and select the desired file on the device.

Text template

If you want your signature to complete information about the position, phone number, address, date or other data, create a text template in Word on Windows.

Type in the document all the necessary information that should supplement the details, and select the mouse. In the "Insert" section, select "Express blocks" - "AutoText" and click on the "Save selected object" button.

To insert this block in other documents, just click on "Express Blocks" - "AutoText" and select the saved template to insert.

Word signature line

You can also use a signature line in Word to insert a signature with properties. To add it to your document, click "Insert" - "Signature string". After that, a field will appear in which you need to enter the position, name, address and a signature. Fill out all the fields, click OK.

A digital certificate is required for signing. Word offers to get it from your partners, you can also order an individual digital certificate in the appropriate institution.

How to sign a document in Word on Mac

To put an electronic signature in Word on Mac, you must follow these steps:

launch the "View" application
go to "Tools"
click "Add a note"
go to "Signature" - "Manage signatures"

You can create a signature in two ways: by camera and trackpad. Sign on a sheet of paper and scan through iSight - no additional equipment will be required. In the same menu, managing signatures, you can sign with the help of the trackpad. Mouse to do this will not work, ideally, it is better to use the stylus.

Now open the document you want to sign on Mac, go to "Tools" - "Add mark" - "Signature". Click on the top panel on the icon that depicts a handwritten stroke, and you will see the previously saved signature. Select it to add to the document. Adjust the size of the signature by pulling on one of the corners, drag it to the desired part of the document. After that it can be closed, the changes are saved automatically.

It is more convenient to sign documents online. Electronic signature has the same legal weight as the written one. But at the same time, online services allow you to do this in two clicks, without performing unnecessary actions, and also saving documents for sending to other users and parties to a contract or agreement.

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